In today's business, data is one of the key assets. NLMK owns a number information systems and fully recognizes their value. For this reason, NLMK initiated a project to create the corporate reporting system and operating monitoring of indicators - SAO.Foresight.
SAO.Foresight is a conventional Business Intelligence (BI) system used as a basis for building a unified corporate data storage and analytical reporting. SAO.Foresight uses integration flows from various source systems, receiving and transforming heterogeneous data into a single relational structure. SAO.Foresight supports company employees in their work, eliminating the need for them to know programming languages. The system user interface provides a convenient tool for generating reports and dashboards. Access to information is provided based on the user's role.
Customers involved in BI system testing get valuable experience in using analytical products for solving applied business tasks. These advantages contribute to consolidation of knowledge in a single point of access, significantly increasing the efficiency and speed of tactical and strategic decision-making by System users.