Electronic sick leave certificate


Digital service to support the registration and processing of electronic sick leave certificates via two-way data exchange between the Russian Social Fund and SAP HCM. In turn, SAP HCM was integrated with the employee's personal account on the CSC webpage.

Key Figures

  • 95% of information is generated and transmitted to the Social fund automatically.

The days of sick leave before the sick leave is completed are entered automatically: 

  • The employer receives timely information about open sick leave certificates, reducing the risk of excessive payment for days of absence.

  • Additional functionality burden is removed from the manager to keep the sick leave data in the time sheet.

  • Timely automatic notifications to the employee when there is an overlap of absence at work and sick leave.

  • The employee registers a cancellation or rescheduling of an absence at the webpage. Reduction of personal/work time to visit CSC offices.

  • Reduction of effort and time for processing.

  • All sick leave certificates (except occupational injury and occupational disease certificates) are processed automatically by the system (over 75%).

  • Automated system for monitoring the status of sick leave certificate processing.

  • The employee applies for maternity leave and provides banking details for transfer of allowance on the CSC webpage.